




2025-01-16 18:28:01

齊魯網·閃電新聞1月16日訊 You’re not as tall as a scallion? In Shandong, this is not a joke!

The official height of former NBA player Yao Ming is 2.26 meters,but the "height" of Zhangqiu scallions is even taller! During the 2024 Zhangqiu scallions harvest season event, a scallion farmer from Wangjin village, Jinan, Shandong, grew scallions that were 2.68 meters tall, setting a new Guinness World Record once again!
The Zhangqiu scallions are not only tall and straight, but also extremely delicious! One bite offers a crispy and refreshing taste, filling your mouth with fragrance. They are a favorite among people in Shandong, but here's a real shocker—gorillas are also crazy about them. It can be truly called that “One region’s environment nurtures its unique inhabitants”, also true for gorillas here. During autumn-winter changeover period, keepers in Shandong's zoos specially feed these gorillas Zhangqiu scallions to help them prevent catching colds.





閃電新聞記者 李翔睿 單曉燕 劉婷如 王璇 實習生 李夢凡 李天浩

[責任編輯:劉婷如 王雪燕 梁義 李翔睿]

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