

Honduran president says relations with China bring development opportunities



2023-06-10 22:48:06

SHANGHAI, June 10 (Xinhua) -- President of the Republic of Honduras Iris Xiomara Castro Sarmiento arrived in Shanghai and started her China visit on Friday, expressing her expectations for the visit that will run until June 14.

Noting that her visit to China is expected by the Honduran people, Castro said that recognizing the one-China principle, establishing diplomatic relations with China and cooperating with China can bring development opportunities to Honduras.

She said that Honduran people admire China's development achievements, especially the country's efforts in poverty alleviation, adding that striving for the well-being of the people is the common goal of Honduras and China, and that she believes the friendly ties between Honduras and China will be strengthened with the unity and cooperation of the two peoples.

Castro expressed her hope that Honduras will achieve prosperity and development like Shanghai and said the country will strengthen cooperation with Shanghai.

She said that Honduras will actively participate in the sixth China International Import Expo to be held in Shanghai in November, and send young students to Shanghai for study.

If Honduran young people have the opportunity to receive education and learn science and technology in China, they can contribute to the construction and development of Honduras, she added. ■

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來源 中國日報雙語新聞抖音號。(責任編輯 王炬鵬)[詳細]
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