



作者:徐怡 王一寧

2024-09-20 10:37:09


齊魯網·閃電新聞9月20日訊 2024年國際和平日紀念活動于9月19日在濟南正式開幕。今年的紀念活動在濟南、濰坊兩個美麗的山東城市舉行?;顒邮兹?,舉辦了開幕式及“命運與共 共護和平”故事匯暨文藝演出。9月20日到21日,將在濰坊開展三場對話活動。

The Commemoration of the International Day of Peace 2024 kicks off on Sept 19 in Jinan. "Building a World of Peaceful Coexistence" is the theme of this year's event. This year, the commemoration is held in Jinan and Weifang, two beautiful cities of Shandong. commemoration, opening ceremony and "Safeguarding Peace for a Shared Future" Story Sharing and Art Performance are held. From Sept 20 to 21, three dialogues are going to be held in Weifang.

閃電新聞記者 王一寧 徐怡 報道

[責任編輯:徐怡 劉玉良 梁義 張倩]

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