

塞內加爾總統法耶來魯訪問 期待攜手推進農業現代化


作者:劉晨 徐怡 王蒙

2024-09-07 12:39:09


齊魯網·閃電新聞9月7日訊 9月6日至8日,塞內加爾總統巴西魯·迪奧馬耶·法耶及代表團來訪山東。法耶一行首站抵達濟南,先后參訪了山東省農科院及山東省農業機械裝備精品展,贊嘆于山東在農業科技和農機裝備等方面的新成就新發展。

From September 6th to 8th, President of The Republic of Senegal Bassirou Diomaye Faye and the delegation visit Shandong. Their first stop is Jinan. After visiting Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Shandong Agricultural Machinery Exhibition, they were impressed by the new achievements and developments of Shandong in agricultural science and technology as well as agricultural machinery.


The cooperation between Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Senegal in the field of agriculture dates back a long time, mainly focusing on peanut technology. The two sides carried out exchanges in peanut germplasm and technology as early as 1988. Subsequently, the peanut varieties and technologies developed by Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences have been popularized and applied in Senegal. In Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, President Faye saw many latest research achievements in various sectors such as cereal crops, fruit trees and livestock. After the visit, he expressed great expectations for more cooperation achievements in agricultural science and technology between the two sides in the future.


The various creative intelligent agricultural machinery equipment on Shandong Agricultural Machinery Exhibition presents a vivid picture of the development of modern agriculture. President Faye pointed out that the process of agricultural modernization cannot be achieved without the support of advanced agricultural machinery equipment, and hoped that more agricultural technology companies of Shandong could come to Senegal.

閃電新聞記者 劉晨 徐怡 王蒙  報道

[責任編輯:劉晨 逯興舉 徐紅梅 韓信]

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