

24道風味丨立秋嘗茄 舌尖上的秋日初體驗


作者:王一寧 國慧賢 孔垂頔 劉玉良 徐怡

2024-08-07 07:00:08


齊魯網·閃電新聞8月7日訊 “立夏栽茄子,立秋吃茄子。”茄子成熟,帶著秋的氣息登上餐桌。體會萬千風味,一定要嘗上一道經典魯菜——風味茄子。

Plant the eggplant at the start of summer, and harvest it at the beginning of autumn.

As the eggplant ripens, it brings the essence of autumn to the table. To fully savor the season's bounty, one must indulge in a classic Shandong dish – Flavorful Eggplant. Its rich flavors are a delicious way to celebrate autumn.


Wash and slice the eggplant, removing the core. 


Cut into bite-sized pieces. 


Soak the eggplant cubes in water for 3 minutes, then strain and coat them with a layer of cornstarch.


Heat oil in a pan over medium heat. Fry the eggplant until the surface turns golden brown. 


Deep-fry them again until they are crispy on the outside while maintaining a tender interior.


In another pan, add peppercorns, numb pepper, dried chili segments, and minced garlic. Stir-fry until fragrant, then add sugar, rice vinegar, and a splash of light soy sauce. Simmer until the sauce thickens slightly.


Add the crispy eggplant pieces, sliced green and red peppers, and chopped coriander to the sauce. 


Stir-fry briefly until the vegetables are tender-crisp. Sprinkle with sesame seeds before serving.


Combined with the sweet and sour flavors of the sauce, the crispy outside and the tender inside of the eggplant will delight your taste buds. It's a dish that captures the essence of the harvest, bringing warmth and satisfaction to every bite.


Shandian News, in collaboration with the Shanaong Hotel Association and Bianyi Fang Hotel, is pleased to recommend Flavorful Eggplant for you.

閃電新聞記者 王一寧 國慧賢 孔垂頔 劉玉良 徐怡 實習編輯 董正陽 報道

Wang Yining, Guo Huixian, Kong Chuidi, Liu Yuliang, Xu Yi and Dong Zhengyang for Shandian News.

[責任編輯:王一寧 劉玉良 徐紅梅 韓信]

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