



作者:王一寧 國慧賢 孔垂頔 劉玉良

2024-07-22 07:15:07


齊魯網·閃電新聞7月22日訊 大暑夏色濃,清麗好味來。一道調補的花旗參瘦肉蓮子湯,清心降火,健脾養胃,為你抹去夏日疲憊和煩惱。

The peak of summer, known as the Major Heat, brings scorching temperatures and vibrant hues. To combat the heat, try this refreshing American ginseng, pork, and lotus seed soup, which cools the mind, clears heat, strengthens the spleen and stomach, and washes away summer fatigue and worries.


Prepare 3 grams of American ginseng, 7 grams of Polygonatum odoratum, 10 grams of lady bell root, 7 grams of lotus seeds, 3 grams of goji berries, and 7 grams of ophiopogon japonicus. Wash the prepared herbs thoroughly.


Cut the lean pork into bite-sized pieces,and then rinse them with some water. Slice the ginger into pieces. Add all the prepared ingredients to a pot with cold water, simmer over medium heat for one hour, and finally season with salt.


The carefully selected American ginseng, tender pork, and plump lotus seeds blend perfectly in this soothing soup. Slow simmering releases their essence, creating a naturally sweet and nourishing broth with each sip.

閃電新聞記者 王一寧 國慧賢 孔垂頔 劉玉良 報道

Wang Yining, Guo Huixian, Kong Chuidi and Liu Yuliang for Shandian News

[責任編輯:王一寧 劉玉良 梁延菊 張曉博]

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