

Let's Learn a Chinese Dish丨Golden Chicken Nugget


作者:王一寧 鄧杰 國慧賢 孔垂頔 劉玉良

2024-02-10 09:11:02


齊魯網·閃電新聞2月10日訊 共度龍年新春佳節,感受美食文化魅力。

Enjoy the Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon and experience the charm of Chinese food culture. 


Shandian News, in collaboration with the Shandong Hotel Association, has launched a series of Chinese-English bilingual short videos to teach you how to cook Chinese dishes. Famous chefs are invited to make Chinese dishes on site, introducing Chinese food to foreign friends and promoting food culture. Retweet and share this WeChat video, you will have the chance to win a gift provided by Yili Group.


Today we bring you "Golden Chicken Nugget".


The Golden Chicken Nugget, also known as Tiger Head Chicken in China, is a traditional Shandong flok cuisine. This traditional dish will contribute a unique flavor to captivate your taste buds, offering both nutrition and auspiciousness.


Cut the chicken thigh into small pieces, then marinate them with seasonings for a while.


Add flour, eggs and peanut oil, and mix thoroughly.


Carefully add the chicken nuggets into the hot oil, fry the nuggets until they turn golden brow.


Blanch the pine mushrooms until cooked.


Heat the oil in a wok, add some scallions, ginger slices, star anise and stir-fry the pine mushrooms.


Add soy sauce, cooking wine, ground pepper, dark soy sauce, and salt to the hot water, simmering them into a broth.


Put the chicken nuggets and sheet jelly into the boiling broth. Thicken it with cornstarch slurry.


Add some sesame oil and chopped chives and it's ready to serve.


The tenderness of the chicken, the smoothness of the pine mushrooms, the spiciness of the pepper and the sourness of the vinegar all come together for a delightful mix of textures and flavors that's simply too tasty to resist.


Shandian News wishes you good luck and happiness, accompanied by warmth!

Wang Yining, Deng Jie, Guo Huixian, Kong Chuidi, Liu Yuliang and Zhao Jiayi for Shandian News.

[責任編輯:王一寧 韓瑩 穆楠 劉駿]

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