2023-01-17 15:56:01
Top One in Space, on Land and at Sea
Yantai's glory of being No.1 well-deserved
In the vast universe, there is a star named Yantai I. With the successful launch of this satellite, Yantai has accomplished the goal of owning the satellite in space, the rocket on land and the ship at sea.
By the north shore of Yellow Sea is located China's first city that supplies carbon-free heat. Nuanhe I has been keeping Haiyang residents warm for three consecutive heating seasons till today.
In the roaring blue ocean, Bluewhale I made in Yantai is standing upright. It has completed world's first pilot exploiting of combustible ice, setting a world record in both duration and yields.
The stories of Yantai and the ocean have witnessed the practice of planning and managing ocean in the new era. Marine ranches such as Genghai I, Guobao I, Jinghai 001, Changjing I and Changyu I are also telling the stories of securing food from the ocean.
The breakthrough from zero to one manifests Yantai's strength of innovation in emerging industries, achieving top ones in various areas for the booming and flourishing new era.
(膠東在線記者:鄔勇 吳雨昕)
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