2019-05-16 10:18:05
South Sudan Ambassador to China: “One Belt, One Road” brings new opportunities to Africa
新湖南客戶端·華聲在線記者 周楊 陸薇 視頻 李真明
“The exhibition in Changsha is really spectacular!” On the morning of May 15th, the opening ceremony of China’s Changsha International Construction Machinery was just over in 2019. The South Sudanese ambassador to China, Andrew Andrew Dooku, who was visiting the exhibition hall, accepted the new Hunan reporter. Interview.
這是杜庫第一次來到長沙。 “我來之前其實就已經聽到過湖南的大名。我知道這里是毛主席的故鄉,還有湖南人很喜歡吃辣?!? 這一次的湖南之旅,他驚喜地發現,原來湖南還是工程機械領域的佼佼者。杜庫說,湖南這些企業有許多一流的工業設備,希望以后南蘇丹和湖南能有更多的合作。
This is the first time Dooku came to Changsha. "I actually heard the name of Hunan before I came. I know that this is the hometown of Chairman Mao, and Hunan people like to eat spicy." This trip to Hunan, he was surprised to find that Hunan is also playing an important role in construction machinery. Doku said that these enterprises in Hunan have many first-class industrial equipments, and hope that there will be more cooperation between South Sudan and Hunan.
This time, Dooku came to participate in the “Belt and Road” infrastructure and engineering equipment business summit held in Changsha in the afternoon.
“The Belt and Road Initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping has brought tremendous development opportunities. This initiative connects China, Africa and the world together and wins cooperation. South Sudan lacks facilities and technology but has abundant natural resources. The Belt and Road brings China's technology to South Sudan and brings Sudan’s raw material back to China. This is a win-win situation."
Tomorrow, Duku will leave Changsha. "I promise I will come back!" He smiled and told the reporter.
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