

Cambodia makes 2.63 bln USD from exports of agricultural products in 7 months



2023-08-10 21:33:08

PHNOM PENH, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) -- Cambodia exported 4.51 million tons of agricultural products in the first seven months of 2023, a year-on-year decrease of 19.2 percent, said a Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) report on Tuesday.

During the January-July period this year, the Southeast Asian nation earned a total revenue of nearly 2.63 billion U.S. dollars from the agricultural products shipped to 68 countries and regions, the report said.

Main agricultural items for exports included rice, rubber, cassava, mangoes, fresh bananas, pepper, cashew nuts, longan, corn, and palm oil, among others.

The report said the kingdom exported 362,708 tons of milled rice in the first seven months of this year, earning gross revenue of 313.7 million U.S. dollars.

"As rice price on the international market is soaring, Cambodia is studying strategies that can benefit the economy from this event," said Im Rachna, undersecretary of state and spokeswoman for the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

She said the country will try to increase the capacity of local rice mills, boost the purchase of paddy rice from farmers for storage, and increase processing and exports to the international market. ■

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