齊魯網·閃電新聞10月20日訊 志和者,不以山海為遠。近日,第六次中國—中東歐國家地方領導人會議在煙臺舉行,為深化中國與中東歐地方交流合作,探索新路徑,注入新動能。山東廣播電視臺、山東國際傳播中心策劃推出系列訪談,邀請參會嘉賓談感受、話發展。本期訪談邀請黑山區域投資發展和非政府組織合作部國務秘書米爾薩達·博什尼亞克,做客演播室,分享她與中國的故事,暢談黑山與山東的交流合作。
Even mountains and seas cannot distance people with common aspirations. Recently, the Sixth China-CEEC Local Leaders' Meeting was held in Yantai, aiming to deepen local exchanges and cooperation between China and CEEC, explore new paths, and inject new momentum. Shandong Television and Radio Station and Shandong International Communication Center launched a series of interviews, inviting guests to share their thoughts and feelings.
In this interview, Ms. Mirsada Bosniak, State Secretary of the Ministry of Regional Investment Development and Cooperation with Non-Governmental Organizations, was invited to the studio to share his story with China and discuss the exchanges and cooperation between Montenegro and Shandong.
閃電新聞記者 王雨 信天譯 李俊發 耿琰 李中豪 編輯 徐怡 張童童 閆瑾 王文佳 趙宇光 報道